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Our Team approach
organically allows us the flexibility to meet you exactly where you are,

when you're there,
to bring you what you need
in that moment
- which is how life works...

Feel The Difference

Our Team has been carefully curated to bring the best healing professionals to you in this very specific and personal area of difficulty


Highly trained, experienced and skilled, each has their own specialty in which they are considered leaders in their field - which is the second reason that we chose them.



The first? Because they come from, and lead with, their hearts.

They are deeply passionate about what they do.

Many have personal experience that enhances their ability to help you better....

...because we get you.


We know what it's like to have been there, whether it's

betrayal trauma, addiction recovery or building a coupleship anew.

Our           Team

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Meet Our Team

Click on any photo above to find out more about each team member
(Please use the right and left arrows to see all of our staff)

Every human being is precious and irreplaceable. We're here to help you see that truth about you


How Does Our
Team Approach

When you work with CORE, our team is in constant discussion about you so that all our eyes and ears are working for your best result.


Your care benefits from each of our team member's perspective, experience, and expertise....


The Team is in constant communication, bringing each team member's specialization to you as you need it and can best gain from it.

We Get You
and We've Got You.

“Trauma speaks. Healing talks back.”
                                                      - Gaelyn



None of us exists in a vacuum... So, we look not just at what is happening for you but also at your relationship dynamics; both in the now and understanding how your story as a couple has developed.


Knowing this helps us help you to build your relationship anew in a way that it can be functional and meaningful and move into the deep contentment of "WE-ness" 

Missing Piece

The art of presence is like learning a new language. Luckily, your heart already knows it. You only need to invite your curiousity to feel engaged with the beautiful parts of yourself that have been put aside.
- Ivana

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Why          ?

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You are not your symptoms or your behaviors...


We see, hear & help you find, or remind you of, your true, higher, integrity. Your essential self.


To do that, we don't simply seek to lessen pain or change behaviors. We help you look at what is at the core of your pain and is driving your unwanted behaviors.


In doing this, you are able to see your true self as an individual and as a partner in a couple and act from a place of wholeness and live in fulfillment.


You are worth it: You deserve your best self.

Invest in the person, not in the subject
                                                    - Sarah

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What Our Clients Want You to Know

Professional Man

I came to Core thinking I had good recovery. Now, I am learning how to live from a relational  perspective. Stopping my behaviors was only the tip of the iceberg

Smiling Couple

You both walked beside us, and there were many times you both carried us.
That is how we got here today!

Smiling Woman

You are a beacon, guiding us when we are in the dark and can’t see... when we feel unheard, misunderstood, unloved, abandoned
& alone you are with us,
and for us, each step of the way

Click the button below to find out more about
Our Approach, What We Do, & How We Do It

or, simply contact us using one of the methods below...


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Content may not be used, copied, downloaded, or presented in a public forum without the express, written permission of CORE Relationship Recovery

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